Feed the Need Live-a-thon Recap

In late March, I was invited to be part of an amazing event hosted by my good friends Kay & Shi. The Feed the Local Need Live-a-thon was a benefit that addressed a host of needs we ALL have right now, including

  • The need for human interaction and light-hearted connection.
  • The need to share ideas on how to adapt businesses and strategies.
  • The need to provide hot, healthy food to healthcare professionals working tirelessly on the front lines of the pandemic.
  • The need to support local families whose jobs have been impacted by this challenge!


I was so excited to be on set from home highlighting a few of my favorite El Dorado County and Reno wineries. Below are a few of my favorite clips as I talk about one of my favorite topics (wine + helping others!) with two of my favorite people!





Together, it’s SO important to #FeedTheLocalNeeds of our community and show that while we may be socially distant, we are all still so connected.