Greenhorn Ranch

Let’s be honest, with things going the way they have been over the past two years, I don’t think it would be appropriate to suggest a staycation, but with everything else that is happening in our world, a trip to Europe might not be the best idea either. What if there was some sort of compromise? Some adventure that checks all the boxes but isn’t too far?

Enter: Greenhorn Ranch!

Less than 75 miles away (a 75 minute drive) from the heart of Reno you will find the Greenhorn Ranch, a dude ranch smack-dab in the middle of the Plumas National Forest in Quincy, California. Between the twice daily trail rides, target shooting, and the opportunities to fellowship with other guests around the campfire, it truly serves as a contemporary homage to the classic American West.

When you first arrive at the Greenhorn Ranch you will find yourself overwhelmed by the surroundings – beautiful wilderness; sometimes in my day-to-day life I forget how close we are to this beautiful, untouched wilderness. Nestled in their own little pocket of the Plumas National Forest you will find the Greenhorn Ranch Lodge and their staff. The Lodge features spacious guest rooms, but if you’re feeling more adventurous you might even opt to instead stay in their Creekside or Pines cabins, or even further, you might even opt for their Airstream experience.

One of the best things about the Greenhorn Ranch is the variety of experiences available to you, not only as far as activities, but also including meals, lodging, and more.

One of the most important elements of any dude ranch is horseback riding. The all-inclusive resort experience includes two trail rides each day through the wonderful wilderness in and around the ranch, with a selection of over 60 horses for all skill levels, many of which were born-and-raised at Greenhorn.

Want to slow down, and take in the afternoon sunshine? Go fishing for trout on the ranch. Greenhorn will provide you with poles and bait, and if you aren’t experienced don’t worry because they have an experienced guide that can help you make your first big catch! Want to take it a step further? Their guide can take you off of the ranch to a nearby river so you can try your hand at fly fishing.

I truly had a fabulous time at the Greenhorn Ranch, and in my opinion it is the perfect getaway. Not too far, so you don’t have to worry about differing restrictions, but also not too close so it isn’t really a staycation.So, meet some new people and get outside of your comfort zone.

For more information on the Greenhorn Ranch, visit (LINK: